Canillas de Albaida
Gaylyn and me both returned from our visit to Germany with a nasty cold. Some peace and quiet and a place to chill out away from the Christmas crowds was on order. I looked for parking east of Malaga, preferably pretty with some hikes or bike rides nearby and as much luxury as possible, so water, power,…
A New Start – involuntary
Unfortunately – some time mid-July I experienced a major disk disaster on the virtual computer that runs my mail-server and a lot of Gaylyn’s and my web services. It destroyed a lot of data and as luck would have it both Gaylyn’s and my wordpress blogs were lost. This kind of thing has not happened…
The Caribbean – The Windward Isles
The Caribbean – The Windward Isles The Windward Islands were the first that Thomas and Gaylyn explored. Martinique was a treat and after paying 5 euro at a local café and checking in online, they had officially arrived. This tropical island was very Europeanised including the social structure and supermarkets. It was a great introduction…
Atlantic Crossing
The weather wasn’t so cooperative for the eight-day passage to the Canary Islands from Gibraltar. It was a rough crossing and had our crew quite queasy. On route, Hagi caught a Benito tuna and it took quite an effort for him to give it a ‘good death’ as he liked to put it. The back…
Goodbye to the Med
Preparing a yacht for ocean crossings, which can take up to a month in a boat like Qi, takes a lot of thought, planning, effort and money. Thomas spent about ¾ of the cost of Qi on the preparations. Installing a water maker, wind generator, replacing engine blocks, the new sails, new electronics, new bottom…